How to Adopt an Animal from Turkey

How to Adopt an Animal from Turkey

A certified vet will examine, vaccinated, and microchip the pet. The vet also will examine for the below illnesses of the pet. Parasite Flea Tick Diarrhea Vomiting Coughing Body temperature Mucus, Snot After these controls vet issues a vaccination booklet and a health certificate for the pet. Then vaccination booklet and a health certificate must be approved by veterinary border control in Turkey. The veterinary border control will want to see the travel booking, the vet-issued documents mentioned above, and the animal itself. Then they issue a permit for the exact date of the pet’s travel. All the above-mentioned processes...

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Why You Should Adopt A Pet Vs. Buying

Why You Should Adopt A Pet Vs. Buying

Having a pet can be a fulfilling experience. With that said, we feel too many people look up breeders online, when before they would use the phonebook. Adopting from a shelter, in contrast, does more good in the long-run. Here is why you should adopt a pet vs. buying one from a store or a breeder. Puppy And Kitten Mills Are Exploitative If you buy a dog or cat from a mill, you are enabling a system that focuses on pumping pets out for purchase. The dogs or cats are often overbred in poor conditions so that they can be...

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4 Reasons Why You Should Volunteer at an Animal Shelter

4 Reasons Why You Should Volunteer at an Animal Shelter

While many animals end up in shelters because they’ve been consciously abused or neglected, there’s also an increasingly large population of friendly critters who are disposed of merely because they’ve gotten too big for their current owners. Others sadly get rid of their once beloved animals simply because they don’t see them as cute and adorable any longer. No matter how they might end up in a shelter, these pets need your help. By volunteering at a shelter like Rescue Strays, you can offer these pets a helping hand and make their stay as pleasant as humanly possible. Reasons to...

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How And Why To Donate To An Animal Shelter

Helping Animal Shelters Adoption rates in the developing world are shockingly low and it’s hard to find homes for rescue animals that are of advanced age or in need of continuous medical attention. As a result, it’s likely that around half of all pets in many shelters might never be adopted or rehoused no matter how much effort is put into encouraging people to take them home. That means they need your financial support and rely almost entirely on the generosity of kind people just like you. At Rescue Strays, we care for around 400 animals every year and even...

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How To Adopt A Cat

How To Adopt A Cat

Adopting a cat can be very fulfilling. They can be very soothing companions and sources of delight. With that said, you want to know all of the necessary precautions so that their home experience is perfect. Otherwise, adopting a cat may not be for you. When learning how to adopt a cat, keep these tips in mind. Adjust Your Body Language Expectations Cats are not like dogs. A happy dog is relatively more sociable and can veer towards a group for playtime. In contrast, cats need to establish their standing with other living beings with him they interact, including dogs,...

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